The French beaded pink magnolias began two years ago when I asked a friend if I could have a sample from her magnolia tree. Then last year, I got another sample from my neighbor. I finished the sample last May and then put it away because I had to work on my book projects.
After the book launch, I finally got back to working on the French beaded pink magnolia pattern. My pattern is a not any one specific variety. I looked at lots of photos online for various pink magnolia characteristics. Pink magnolias generally don’t have any leaves when they are in bloom. Most sepals are a murky brownish green. It’s not that attractive when translated into beads. I did find some photos of pink magnolias with green buds and sepals so that gave me the green light to go with green.
Another characteristic of pink magnolias is that the petals from the inside are white while the outside of the petals are a gradation of colors. Unless, I knew magic, that couldn’t happen with beads that are colored one way all around.
Set Up: 4:11 mins
Lesson 1 Petals: 19:16 mins
Lesson 2 Pistil 11:27 mins
Lesson 3 Stamen 9:43 mins
Lesson 4 Inner Bud 6:25 mins
Lesson 5 Budding Flower: 17:00 mins
Lesson 6 Sepal Leaves: 5:56 mins
Lesson 7 Sepal Buds: 2:50 mins
Lesson 8 Green Bud: 7:45 mins
Lesson 9 Flower Assembly 18:25 mins
Lesson 10 Budding Flower Assembly 5:42 mins
Lesson 11 Assembly: 10:06 mins
Total Videos: 12 Total time: 1 hr 54:58 mins
I’ll be sharing 4 of the videos from my video course on my youtube channel. I’ll release one video a week. Here is video #1. Stay tuned and subscribe to my youtube channel for upcoming videos.