A while ago (ok, ok, it was way back at the end of March), I was the featured artist on the prestigious The Artisan Group blog. I’m pregnant and kinda sick with one thing or another so that’s the excuse for the delay in blogging about it. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 😉
The Artisan Group has given me so many opportunities including getting my designs into exclusive gift lounges like the GBK MTV Movie Awards and Emmy’s gift lounge and even recently, I had my beaded flower on the show The Client List starring Jennifer Love Hewitt. JLH was not the one wearing my flower, but heck, she was in the same room…so good enough!
Here’s a little snippet from the feature:
“Tell us a little bit about your shoppe.
I remember having blue and pink beads scattered all the living room teaching myself to make roses from a book while I was supposed to be working on homework. I hear the garage door opening. I scamper to gather up my beads and run to my room. I beaded clandestinely because my typical Asian parents insisted that I should read instead.”
If you care to read more, you can read the whole feature on the Artisan Group blog.Â